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(in English / in Japanese)
- Katsuyoshi OHARA
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Kanazawa University
- Publications
- J. Kaneko, K. Matsumoto, K. Ohara, T. Terasoma: A system of hypergeometric differential equations in m variables of rank p^m, preprint.
(arXiv:2404.00295 [math.CA])
- Ari Dwi Hartanto, K. Ohara:
An F5 algorithm for tropical Gröbner bases in the Weyl algebras, preprint.
(arXiv:2312.14419 [cs.CS])
- Ari Dwi Hartanto, K. Ohara: Computing Gröbner bases on Weyl algebras over fields with valuations, Journal of Algebra 659(2024), 902--926. (DOI)
S. Tajima, K. Nabeshima, K. Ohara, Y. Umeta:
Computing holonomic D-modules associated to a family of non-isolated hypersurface
singularities via comprehensive Groebner systems of PBW algebra,
Mathematics in Computer Science, 17 (2023)
(full paper)
S. Tajima, K. Ohara, A. Terui:
Exact Algorithms for Computing Generalized Eigenspaces of Matrices via Annihilating Polynomials,
(arXiv:2209.04807 [math.RA])
S. Tajima, K. Ohara, K. Nabeshima:
Computing holonomic D-modules associated to a family of non-isolated hypersurface singularities
via comprehensive Groebner systems of PBW algebra,
Proceedings of 26th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra --- ACA 2021, 241--242, 2021.
K. Ohara, S. Tajima:
An algorithm for computing Grothendieck local residues II: general case,
Mathematics in Computer Science 14 (2020), 483--496.
(full paper)
J. Kaneko, K. Matsumoto, K. Ohara:
The structure of a local system associated with a hypergeometric system of rank 9,
International Journal of Mathematics 31-3 (2020)
S. Tajima, K. Ohara, A. Terui:
Fast Algorithm for Computing Eigenvectors of Matrices via Pseudo Annihilating Polynomials,
(arXiv:1811.09149 [math.NA])
K. Ohara, S. Tajima:
An algorithm for computing Grothendieck local residues II --- general case ---,
Proceedings of 24th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra --- ACA 2018, 245--248, 2018.
S. Tajima, K. Ohara, A. Terui:
Fast Algorithm for Calculating the Minimal Annihilating Polynomials of Matrices via Pseudo Annihilating Polynomials,
(arXiv:1801.08437 [math.AC])
K. Ohara, S. Tajima:
An algorithm for computing Grothendieck local residues I: shape basis case,
Mathematics in Computer Science 13 (2019), 205--216.
(full paper)
K. Ohara, S. Tajima:
An algorithm for computing Grothendieck local residues I --- shape base case ---,
Abstracts of 23rd Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra --- ACA 2017, 226--227, 2017.
K. Nabeshima, K. Ohara, S. Tajima:
Comprehensive Gröbner systems in PBW algebras, Bernstein-Sato ideals and holonomic D-modules,
Journal of Symbolic Computation
89 (2018), 146--170.
F. H. Danufane, K. Ohara, N. Takayama, C. Siriteanu:
Holonomic Gradient Method-Based CDF Evaluation for the Largest Eigenvalue of a Complex Noncentral Wishart Matrix, preprint.
(arXiv:1707.02564 [math.ST])
K. Ohara, N. Takayama:
Pfaffian Systems of A-Hypergeometric Systems II --- Holonomic Gradient Method,
(arXiv:1505.02947 [cs.SC])
J. Kaneko, K. Matsumoto, K. Ohara:
A system of hypergeometric differential equations in two variables of rank 9,
International Journal of Mathematics
28-3 (2017) (DOI)
K. Nabeshima, K. Ohara, S. Tajima:
Comprehensive Gröbner systems in rings of differential operators, holonomic D-modules and b-functions,
Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2016),
M. Z. Almuzakki, K. Ohara:
Computing general error locator polynomial of
3-error-correcting BCH codes via syndrome varieties
using minimal polynomial,
Recent Development in Computational Science 6
(2015), 80--85.
T. Koyama, H. Nakayama, K. Ohara, T. Sei, N. Takayama: Software Packages for Holonomic Gradient Method,
The proceedings of ICMS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8592, 706--712, Springer, 2014.
K. Ohara, S. Tajima, A. Terui: Developing linear algebra packages on Risa/Asir for eigenproblems,
The proceedings of ICMS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8592, 321--324, Springer, 2014.
S. Tajima, K. Ohara, A. Terui: An extension and efficient calculation of the Horner's rule,
The proceedings of ICMS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8592, 346--351, Springer, 2014.
T. Sei, H. Shibata, A. Takemura, K. Ohara and N. Takayama:
Properties and applications of Fisher distribution on the rotation group,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 116 (2013),
P. H. Gunawan, S. Omata, K. Ohara and M. Kazama:
Droplet collision via the SPH method with surface tension,
Gakuto Intern. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. 34 (2011), 151--156.
H. Nakayama, K. Nishiyama, M. Noro, K. Ohara, T. Sei, N. Takayama and A. Takemura:
Holonomic Gradient Descent and its Application to Fisher-Bingham Integral,
Advances in Applied Mathematics 47-3 (2011),
K. Ohara and S. Tajima:
Spectral Decomposition and Eigenvectors of Matrices by Residue Calculus,
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009,
COE Lecture Note
22, Kyushu University,
K. Matsumoto and K. Ohara:
Some transformation formulas for Lauricella's
hypergeometric functions FD,
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 52-2 (2009),
K. Ohara and N. Takayama:
Holonomic rank of A-hypergeometric differential-difference equations,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213-8 (2009),
H. Yoshiuchi, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka and K. Ohara:
Numerical solution of film vibration with obstacle,
Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 16-1 (2006), 33--43.
T. Yamazaki, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka and K. Ohara:
Construction of approximate solution to a hyperbolic free boundary
problem with volume constraint and its numerical computation,
Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 16-1 (2006), 57--67.
K. Ohara and N. Takayama:
Dimension formula of solution spaces of A-hypergeometric
differential-difference systems,
Proceedings of the Seventh Asian Symposium
on Computer Mathematics (ASCM2005),
edited by
Sung-il Pae and Hyungju Park,
Korea Institute for Advanced Study,
T. Yamazaki, S. Omata, H. Yoshiuchi and K. Ohara:
Bubble motion on water surface,
Gakuto Intern. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. 23 (2005), 209--216.
H. Iwasaki, K. Ohara, S. Omata and T. Zhou:
Numerical computations for interfaces motion related to a triple potential well problem,
Adv. Math. Sci. Appl.
14-2 (2004), 457--464.
K. Mimachi, K. Ohara and M. Yoshida:
Intersection numbers for loaded cycles associated with Selberg-type integrals, Tohoku Math. J. 56-4 (2004), 531--551.
K. Ohara, Y. Sugiki and N. Takayama:
Quadratic Relations for Generalized Hypergeometric Functions pFp-1, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 46-2 (2003),
M. Maekawa, M. Noro, K. Ohara, N. Takayama and Y. Tamura:
OpenXM --- an Open System to Integrate Mathematical Software:
Kerber, M. and Kohlhase, M., eds,
Symbolic Computation and Automated Reasoning: The Calculemus 2000
Symposium. AK Peters, 2001.
M. Maekawa, M. Noro, K. Ohara, N. Takayama and K. Tamura:
The Design and Implementation of OpenXM-RFC 100 and 101,
Computer Mathematics, Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Symposium
(ASCM 2001), edited by Shirayanagi and Yokoyama, World Scientific,
102--111, 2001.
K. Ohara:
Computation of the monodromy of the generalized hypergeometric function
pFp-1(a1, ..., ap; b2, ..., bp; z),
Kyushu J. Math. 51(1997),
- software
A unofficial source distribution of the OpenXM project.
Risa/Asir binary (32bit or 64bit) for Windows7.
yang --- a package for
hypergeometric functions and Groebner bases of rings of differential-difference operators.
(it is idistributed with the OpenXM softwares above)
Table of Pfaffian differential equations of
34 hypergeometric functions in Horn's List,
Lauricella's 3-variate hypergeometric functions and
the hypergeometric function of type (3,6).
This table is computed by yang.
e-mail: ohara@kanazawa-u.ac.jp
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